Used extensively for many outdoor activities where your leg's need protection. Ideal for Farmers when working with sheep, walking through rough undergrowth etc. Made of heavy duty canvas, a piece of leather is on each inside of the leg to give extra durability of the canvas. They have full length heavy duty plastic YKK zips down the outside area so they can out put on or taken off easily without having to take off your boots. A leather strap around the ankles hold the legging in close to help keep out mud and water. A strap from the legging to a belt holds the leggings up. Comes in six sizes. The inside leg measurement is standard at 30"/76cm. They can be made shorter or longer on request. Sizing is by measuring around the top of your leg, crutch area. Small (51cm/20"), medium(56cm/22"),large(61cm/24"),XL(66cm/26"), 2XL(71cm/28"), 3XL (77cm/30").